Professional presentations

Με σταθερό προσανοτολισμό ότι η εκπαίδευση έχει πολιτική - “ποιον εκπαιδεύω, γιατί και με ποιον στόχο”- εδώ θα βρείτε παρουσιάσεις της HILLSIDE PRESS PowerPoint με ευρεία θεματολογία.

How to design a syllabus – The use of a syllabus as a marketing tool
Streaming and Mainstreaming in English Language Teaching
Good grades depend not just on brains, but on hearts
Don’t bet on the Prince!
Assessment or Self-assessment?
How important are mediation skills in the European Union
Teaching English for the Brain
Learning Difficulties: the symptoms, the causes and what we can do about it.
Emotional Intelligence – Theory & Practice
Educating for Peace and English Language Teaching
