Above & Beyond B2 Test Pack

Above & Beyond B2 Test Pack
CEF Level 
Alasdair Steele

The Test Pack accompanies and complements the Coursebook. It can be used to assess the students, but also to help the teacher pinpoint any problems the students might have, so that they can be dealt with as soon as possible.

The Above & Beyond B2 Test Pack contains:

  • 24 revision tests – Test A and Test B for each of the 12 units featuring vocabulary and grammar tasks. Test B is always slightly more challenging than Test A.
  • 4 progress tests – each covering a quarter of the book and featuring vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension tasks
  • 2 term tests – each covering half of the book and featuring vocabulary, grammar and writing tasks
  • 1 final exam – covering all of the book and featuring vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing tasks

The answers to the tests are included in the Above & Beyond B2 Coursebook Teacher’s Book.